The PIX OS Command-Line Interface v1.11 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
- The PIX OS Command-Line Interface -
PIX OS Versions
The operating system for Cisco PIX/ASA firewalls is known as the PIX OS.
Because the PIX product line was acquired and not originally developed by
Cisco, PIX OS versions up to 6.0 featured a command-line interface that was
similar to, but not exactly like, the Cisco IOS.
Cisco blended features from the Cisco IOS and PIX OS to form PIX OS 7.0.
While PIX OS 6.0 (and prior) and PIX OS 7.0 are similar, there are key
differences, which will be reflected in this guide.
Cisco ASA firewalls support PIX OS 7.0 exclusively.
Basics of the PIX OS CLI
As with the Cisco Router IOS, there are various modes in the PIX OS CLI,
each of which contains a set of commands specific to the function of that
By default, the first mode you enter when logging into the PIX OS is User
mode. User mode appends a “>” after the device hostname:
No configuration can be changed or viewed from User mode. Only basic
status information can be viewed from this mode, and thus user mode is
mostly used to authenticate to higher privileged modes.
Privileged mode allows all configuration files, settings, and status
information to be viewed. Privileged mode appends a “#” after the device
pixfirewall> enable PASSWORD
Very little configuration can be changed directly from Privileged mode.
Instead, to actually configure the Cisco device, one must enter Global
Configuration mode:
pixfirewall# config terminal
The PIX OS Command-Line Interface v1.11 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Basics of the PIX OS CLI (continued)
Unlike the Cisco IOS, no interface or routing configuration modes existed in
PIX OS 6.0 – all configuration was done within Global Configuration mode.
In PIX OS 7.0, several sub-modes under Global Configuration exist, very
similar to the Cisco IOS. These differences will be highlighted shortly.
Like the Cisco IOS, the PIX OS supports shortcuts as long as the command
is not ambiguous.
Additionally, the PIX OS supports context-sensitive help through the use of
the question mark (?). Typing the question mark (?) at the command
prompt provides a list of all commands available at that mode. Typing in a
command followed by a question mark provides the options, arguments, and
full syntax for that command.
Cisco PIX/ASA firewalls employ the following configuration files:
• running-config - stored in RAM, contains the active configuration
• startup-config - stored in Flash, contains the saved configuration
To view the running-config:
pixfirewall# show running-config
pixfirewall# write terminal
To view the startup-config:
pixfirewall(config)# show startup-config
pixfirewall(config)# show configure
To copy the running-config to startup-config:
pixfirewall(config)# write memory
To erase the startup-config:
pixfirewall(config)# write erase
Unlike the Cisco IOS, all show commands can be executed directly from
Global Configuration mode as well:
pixfirewall(config)# show running-config
pixfirewall(config)# write terminal
The PIX OS Command-Line Interface v1.11 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Basics of the PIX OS CLI (continued)
The enable password protects the PIX/ASA’s Privileged mode. To set this
encrypted password:
pixfirewall(config)# enable password PASSWORD
To set the firewall hostname:
pixfirewall(config)# hostname MYFIREWALL
To restart the firewall:
pixfirewall(config)# reload
pixfirewall(config)# reload noconfirm
PIX OS “show” Commands
To view version and licensing information:
pixfirewall(config)# show version
To view physical and data-link information about interfaces:
pixfirewall(config)# show interface
To view IP addresses configured on interfaces:
pixfirewall(config)# show ip address
To view memory and CPU information:
pixfirewall(config)# show memory
pixfirewall(config)# show cpu usage
To troubleshoot connectivity issues using ping:
pixfirewall(config)# ping
The PIX OS Command-Line Interface v1.11 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
PIX OS and Time
To set the system time on a PIX/ASA firewall:
pixfirewall(config)# clock set 11:02:14 jan 10 2003
To set the timezone:
pixfirewall(config)# clock timezone EST -5
To view the time:
pixfirewall(config)# show clock
To securely point to a centralized Network Time Protocol (NTP) server:
pixfirewall(config)# ntp authenticate
pixfirewall(config)# ntp authentication-key 1 md5 MYKEY
pixfirewall(config)# ntp server key 1 source inside
PIX Firewall Interfaces
Cisco security appliances protect trusted zones from untrusted zones.
Like most firewalls, a Cisco PIX/ASA will permit traffic from the trusted
interface to the untrusted interface, without any explicit configuration.
However, traffic from the untrusted interface to the trusted interface must be
explicitly permitted.
Thus, any traffic that is not explicitly permitted from the untrusted to trusted
interface will be implicitly denied.
To control the trust value of each interface, each firewall interface is
assigned a security level, which is represented as a numerical value
between 0 – 100 on the Cisco PIX/ASA. A higher security level is more
trusted, whereas a lower security level is less trusted.
To explicitly allow a less trusted interface to communicate with a more
trusted interface, an access control list (ACL) must be used.
The PIX OS Command-Line Interface v1.11 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Configuring Firewall Interfaces – PIX OS 6.0
PIX OS 6.0 (and prior) does not support an Interface Configuration Mode –
all interface-related configuration is accomplished directly from Global
Configuration mode.
To name an interface, and assign it a security level of 75:
pixfirewall(config)# nameif ethernet1 OUTSIDE security75
To change the duplex and speed of an interface:
pixfirewall(config)# interface ethernet1 100full
To administratively shutdown an interface:
pixfirewall(config)# interface ethernet1 100full shutdown
To assign an IP address to an interface:
pixfirewall(config)# ip address OUTSIDE
Notice when applying Layer-3 configuration, the interface name is
Configuring Firewall Interfaces – PIX OS 7.0
PIX OS 7.0 was redesigned and functions very similarly to the Cisco IOS. It
provides an Interface Configuration Mode for all related configuration.
To configure an interface on a PIX OS 7.0 device:
asafirewall(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0
asafirewall(config-if)# no shutdown
asafirewall(config-if)# nameif OUTSIDE
asafirewall(config-if)# security-level 75
asafirewall(config-if)# ip address
The above GigabitEthernet0/0 interface was taken out of a shutdown state,
assigned a name of OUTSIDE, assigned a security-level of 75, and an ip
address of
The PIX OS Command-Line Interface v1.11 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Configuring the PIX DHCP Server
Cisco PIX/ASA Firewalls support a built-in DHCP server to delegate
addresses to hosts. DHCP servers lease out IP addresses to DHCP clients,
for a specific period of time. There are four steps to this DHCP process:
• When a DHCP client first boots up, it broadcasts a DHCPDiscover
message, searching for a DHCP server.
• If a DHCP server exists on the local segment, it will respond with a
DHCPOffer, containing the “offered” IP address, subnet mask, etc.
• Once the client receives the offer, it will respond with a
DHCPRequest, indicating that it will accept the offered protocol
• Finally, the server responds with a DHCPACK, acknowledging the
clients acceptance of offered protocol information.
To specify the DHCP Pool:
pixfirewall(config)# dhcpd address inside
To configure DHCP options:
pixfirewall(config)# dhcpd dns
pixfirewall(config)# dhcpd wins
pixfirewall(config)# dhcpd domain helpme.please
To specify the DHCP lease length (in seconds, default is 3600):
pixfirewall(config)# dhcpd lease 50000
Finally, the DHCP server must be enabled on the necessary interface:
pixfirewall(config)# dhcpd enable inside
The PIX OS Command-Line Interface v1.11 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Enabling SSH Access
SSH (Secure Shell) is the preferred method of remoting into a Cisco
PIX/ASA device. The traditional method of telnet is inherently insecure, as
it sends all passwords/traffic in clear-text.
SSH requires a local username and password configured on the device:
pixfirewall(config)# username CHARLIE password BROWN
Next, the authentication policy for SSH must be configured to use the local
pixfirewall(config)# aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
The above command creates an aaa authentication policy for ssh, to provide
console access if the user successfully authenticates with the LOCAL
username/password database.
SSH must then be enabled on one or more interfaces:
pixfirewall(config)# ssh inside
pixfirewall(config)# ssh outside
An SSH timeout can then be specified (value is in minutes):
pixfirewall(config)# ssh timeout 10
Finally, the SSH key must be generated. To accomplish this on a PIX OS 6.0
pixfirewall(config)# ca generate rsa key 2048
To generate the SSH key on a PIX OS 7.0 device:
asafirewall(config)# crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 2048
The larger the specified modulus size, the stronger the key. However, a
stronger key will take longer to generate.
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