IGRP v1.21 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (aaron@routeralley.com),
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at http://www.routeralley.com.
- IGRP -
IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
IGRP is a Cisco-proprietary Distance-Vector protocol, designed to be more
scalable than RIP, its standardized counterpart.
IGRP adheres to the following Distance-Vector characteristics:
• IGRP sends out periodic routing updates (every 90 seconds).
• IGRP sends out the full routing table every periodic update.
• IGRP uses a form of distance as its metric (in this case, a composite of
bandwidth and delay).
• IGRP uses the Bellman-Ford Distance Vector algorithm to determine
the best “path” to a particular destination.
Other characteristics of IGRP include:
• IGRP supports only IP routing.
• IGRP utilizes IP protocol 9.
• IGRP routes have an administrative distance of 100.
• IGRP, by default, supports a maximum of 100 hops. This value can
be adjusted to a maximum of 255 hops.
• IGRP is a classful routing protocol.
IGRP uses Bandwidth and Delay of the Line, by default, to calculate its
distance metric. Reliability, Load, and MTU are optional attributes that can
be used to calculate the distance metric.
IGRP requires that you include an Autonomous System (AS) number in its
configuration. Only routers in the same Autonomous system will send
updates between each other.
IGRP v1.21 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (aaron@routeralley.com),
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at http://www.routeralley.com.
Configuring IGRP
Routing protocol configuration occurs in Global Configuration mode. On
Router A, to configure IGRP, we would type:
Router(config)# router igrp 10
Router(config-router)# network
Router(config-router)# network
The first command, router igrp 10, enables the IGRP process. The “10”
indicates the Autonomous System number that we are using. Only other
IGRP routers in Autonomous System 10 will share updates with this router.
The network statements tell IGRP which networks you wish to advertise to
other RIP routers. We simply list the networks that are directly connected to
our router. Notice that we specify the networks at their classful boundaries,
and we do not specify a subnet mask.
To configure Router B:
Router(config)# router igrp 10
Router(config-router)# network
Router(config-router)# network
The routing table on Router A will look like:
RouterA# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
C is directly connected, Serial0
I [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
The routing table on Router B will look like:
RouterB# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
I [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
IGRP v1.21 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (aaron@routeralley.com),
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at http://www.routeralley.com.
Limitations of IGRP
The example on the previous page works fine with IGRP, because the
networks are contiguous and the subnet masks are consistent. Consider the
following example:
This particular scenario will still work when using IGRP, despite the fact
that we’ve subnetted the major network. Notice that the subnets are
contiguous (that is, they belong to the same major network), and use the
same subnet mask.
When Router A sends an IGRP update to Router B via Serial0, it will not
include the subnet mask for the network. However, because the network is in the same major network as the network, it
will not summarize the address. The route entry in the update will simply
state “”.
Router B will accept this routing update, and realize that the interface
receiving the update (Serial0) belongs to the same major network as the
route entry of It will then apply the subnet mask of its Serial0
interface to this route entry.
Router C will similarly send an entry for the network to Router B.
Router B’s routing table will thus look like:
RouterB# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 4 subnets
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Serial1
I [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
I [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial1
IGRP v1.21 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (aaron@routeralley.com),
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at http://www.routeralley.com.
Limitations of IGRP (continued)
Consider the following, slightly altered, example:
We’ll assume that IGRP is configured correctly on all routers. Notice that
our networks are no longer contiguous. Both Router A and Router C contain
subnets of the major network ( and respectively).
Separating these networks now are two Class C subnets ( and
Why is this a problem? Again, when Router A sends an IGRP update to
Router B via Serial, it will not include the subnet mask for the
network. Instead, Router A will consider itself a border router, as the and networks do not belong to the same major
network. Router A will summarize the network to its classful
boundary of
Router B will accept this routing update, and realize that it does not have a
directly connected interface in the 10.x.x.x scheme. Thus, it has no subnet
mask to apply to this route. Because of this, Router B will install the
summarized route into its routing table.
Router C, similarly, will consider itself a border router between networks and Thus, Router C will also send a summarized route to Router B.
IGRP v1.21 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (aaron@routeralley.com),
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at http://www.routeralley.com.
Limitations of IGRP (continued)
Router B’s routing table will then look like:
RouterB# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Serial1
I [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
[120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial1
That’s right, Router B now has two equal metric routes to get to the
summarized network, one through Router A and the other through
Router C. Router B will now load balance all traffic to any 10.x.x.x network
between routers A and C. Suffice to say, this is not a good thing.
It gets better. Router B then tries to send routing updates to Router A and
Router C, including the summary route of Router A’s routing
table looks like:
RouterA# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0 is subnetted, 1 subnet
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
Router A will receive the summarized route from Router B, and
will reject it. This is because it already has the summary network of
in its routing table, and it’s directly connected. Router C will respond
exactly the same, and the and networks will never be
able to communicate.
IGRP v1.21 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (aaron@routeralley.com),
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at http://www.routeralley.com.
IGRP Timers
IGRP has four basic timers:
Update Timer (default 90 seconds) – indicates how often the router will
send out a routing table update.
Invalid Timer (default 270 seconds) – indicates how long a route will
remain in a routing table before being marked as invalid, if no new updates
are heard about this route. The invalid timer will be reset if an update is
received for that particular route before the timer expires.
A route marked as invalid is not immediately removed from the routing
table. Instead, the route is marked (and advertised) with a metric of 101
(remember, 100 maximum hops is default), indicating it is unreachable, and
placed in a hold-down state.
Hold-down Timer (default 280 seconds) – indicates how long IGRP will
“suppress” a route that it has placed in a hold-down state. IGRP will not
accept any new updates for routes in a hold-down state, until the hold-down
timer expires.
A route will enter a hold-down state for one of three reasons:
• The invalid timer has expired.
• An update has been received from another router, marking that route
with a metric of 101 (unreachable).
• An update has been received from another router, marking that route
with a higher metric than what is currently in the routing table (this is
to prevent loops).
Flush Timer (default 630 seconds) – indicates how long a route can remain
in a routing table before being flushed, if no new updates are heard about
this route. The flush timer runs concurrently with the hold-down timer, and
thus will flush out a route 350 seconds after it has been marked invalid.
IGRP timers must be identical on all routers on the IGRP network, otherwise
massive instability will occur.
IGRP v1.21 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (aaron@routeralley.com),
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at http://www.routeralley.com.
IGRP Loop Avoidance Mechanisms
IGRP, as a Distance Vector routing protocol, is susceptible to loops.
Let’s assume no loop avoidance mechanisms are configured on either router.
If the network fails, Router B will send out an update to Router A
within 30 seconds (whenever its update timer expires) stating that route is
But what if an update from Router A reaches Router B before this can
happen? Router A believes it can reach the network in one hop
(through Router B). This will cause Router B to believe it can reach the
failed network in two hops, through Router A. Both routers will
continue to increment the metric for the network until they reach an infinity
hop count (by default, 101). This behavior is known as counting to infinity.
How can we prevent this from happening? There are several loop avoidance
Split-Horizon – Prevents a routing update from being sent out the interface
it was received on. In our above example, this would prevent Router A from
sending an update for the network back to Router B, as it
originally learned the route from Router B. Split-horizon is enabled by
default on Cisco Routers.
Route-Poisoning – Works in conjunction with split-horizon, by triggering
an automatic update for the failed network, without waiting for the update
timer to expire. This update is sent out all interfaces with an infinity metric
for that network.
Hold-Down Timers – Prevents IGRP from accepting any new updates for
routes in a hold-down state, until the hold-down timer expires. If Router A
sends an update to Router B with a higher metric than what is currently in
Router B’s routing table, that route will be placed in a hold-down state.
IGRP v1.21 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (aaron@routeralley.com),
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at http://www.routeralley.com.
IGRP Passive Interfaces
It is possible to control which router interfaces will participate in the IGRP
Consider the following scenario. Router C does not want to participate in the
IGRP domain. However, it still wants to listen to updates being sent from
Router B, just not send any updates back to Router B:
RouterC(config)# router igrp 10
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# passive-interface s0
The passive-interface command will prevent updates from being sent out of
the Serial0 interface, but Router C will still receive updates on this interface.
We can configure all interfaces to be passive using the passive-interface
default command, and then individually use the no passive-interface
command on the interfaces we do want updates to be sent out:
RouterC(config)# router igrp 10
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# passive-interface default
RouterC(config-router)# no passive-interface e0
IGRP v1.21 – Aaron Balchunas
* * *
All original material copyright © 2007 by Aaron Balchunas (aaron@routeralley.com),
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at http://www.routeralley.com.
Advanced IGRP Configuration
To change the maximum hop-count to 255 for IGRP:
Router(config)# router igrp 10
Router(config-router)# metric maximum-hops 255


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